Friday, June 3, 2011

Metallic Rub-ons and A Blog Candy Announcement.

The pink metallic card body is from The Paper Company.The metallic rub-ons are from Colorbok.The word rub-ons are from the dollar store.

Now on to the news about new Blog candy.Starting Monday June 6 2011 and ending June 30 2011.For every post you comment on you will get an entry ticket.You may comment as many times as you want but only one will get you a ticket.This is open to any stamper/scrapper any where in the world that is ALSO A FOLLOWER of this blog.You must be a follower to be eligible to participate.There will be two candy packages given away.The first will be worth $50.00 and that includes the postage to get it to you.....the second will be worth $15.00 and the same with postage.If you comment you must be a follower so I will know who is commenting.On the 1ST of July I will put all ticket's in a hat and my trusty sidekick Tom(otherwise known as the DH)will draw the tickets for first and second then have 5 days to check back here and if your name is posted you can send an E mail to   put candy winner in the subject line PLEASE.Good luck and it really is a great box of goodies again this time.

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