Thursday, December 26, 2013

Life Gets In The Way.

Just like it says,life got in the way.I thought things were going pretty well then life put a stop sign in my way.All is well now and after the first of January should be just peachy.I have to have a second surgery on my sinuses and after that life should look like a million bucks.So now to play catch up.

We took a trip to Shipshewana ,Indiana recently.Took in a play and stayed the night in the Blue Gates Hotel. We Shopped a bit and just had a really good time.I stayed busy working on a couple of quilts and a couple of other projects that I wanted done for Christmas.Our sweet grandchildren celebrated with gusto the coming of Christmas and their elf "Chip" brought them all new P.J'S for Christmas.

I think the best present they received from us was the Build A Bear My Little Ponies..BIG,BIG HIT.

We also were able to spend time with my daughter in laws parents and that is always fun.

Also for the first time in 5 years we put up a tree...yes it is a small one but it is a tree 

Here are just a bunch of random sweet baby boy was harmed in the shooting of the Santa Claus picture.The first Santa pic was one taken at lunch with Santa here in Allegan.The second I have no idea who Santa is but Eli did not like him.

The sweet baby in red and green is baby J.Cutest baby almost EVER.Nick and Ash you are so blessed.
The last picture is of Grace with her new Flipz hat.She has the dog,Ella has the cat,Eli has the monster....Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and may 2014 be a better year.

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